Bamburra operates through a selected, multidisciplinary and outstanding group of senior associates: mining engineers, geologists, economists and lawyers.

As a group these professionals sum up an expressive number of years of experience in mineral economics services to the private and public sectors of Brazil.

Its associates have the proper punch in line training and expertise to offer specialized consulting services in strategic planning and mineral economics.

All of them are senior, with the majority having Ph.D., M.Sc. and/or MBA levels obtained in Brazil or abroad.

In complementing its operational capabilities Bamburra operates in close articulation with Brazilian and foreign independent consultants having conditions to structure and mobilize at ad hoc instances multidisciplinary teams tailored to client needs.



In pursuing its dual goal - excellence in consulting & competitive price - Bamburra have structured a comprehensive, although very selective array of strategic alliances and cooperative agreements with specific consulting companies.

Among these companies we have the privilege to nominate the following:


 Albatross Interline Resources Pty Ltd.


Brazilian Mining Associates Consultants

 Bruno Bros Consulting Ltda.

 CPM Group

      Delbridge and Associates

 Exploration Link

 FIDES Asset Management Ltda.

Géosciences & Ingénierie gXe


MAGMA Serviços de Mineração Ltda.

Metalica Ltd

MiningInsights Inc.

Novais & Associados

         RAFAL'S Geo Mining


Tradewell do Brasil Ltda.



This network of knowledge, experience, and interests is permeated by an expressive amount of business synergies when focused on from a mineral economics and strategic planning consulting services point of view.

The fundamental guidelines embodied in the conceptual design of the strategic alliances look for back up support in terms of expertise, location, information systems and operational cost.

The combined business profile makes available an outstanding pool of resources to support the decision process of our clients.